The Edge between Two Eras

On the last night before I departed for my home at US, my friends took me to a place at Xi’an China, Qu Jiang Han Yao (曲江寒窯), where a touching love story happened in ancient time.  A beautiful young lady isolated herself from the outside world and waited at an abandoned place for her husband, who led army to defend the country.  At the beginning she believed that he would return soon, but he was away for over 18 years without any news.

He finally returned and surprisingly found that she was still staying at the same place, and waiting for him.

火車_黑與白 copy

There is a little train carrying visitors around the ruins of the place, which is located just across the bridge.  The picture was taken in a modern restaurant standing on the other side of the ruins.  The railway serves as Boundaries to divide two completely Opposites worlds: ancient and modern.

Adobe photoshop was used for post – adjustment to strengthen the railway and the little train.  In addition a black / white layer was used to remove the most of color around the river in order to highlight the edge, formed by the little train, between the two epochs.


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