Bokeh – the circle of fun

I am away from work during the week between Christmas and New Year.  I took this advantage to learn something new in photography.

One of the subjects I have learned is to create Bokeh effect.  We had a Christmas tree in our living room which was decorated with ornaments and tiny lights.  I set up a candle holder 7 ~ 8 feet from the tree.  Then I placed a tripod couple of feet away from the candle holder.  During shooting I selected f2.8, iso 100 and 1/20 seconds, the focus point was on the candle to purposely blur those tiny lights on the tree.

Then the miracle happened – those tiny lights with pointing ends turned to bunch of colorful Circles behind the candle.

Here are the results.




Those Weight(less) and Vibrant little circles seem floating in air. Isn’t it fun?

I am still in the process to turn those circles into heart or other interesting shapes.  I would welcome any suggestions.


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