Red Tulips – Blooming through Cold

This is in response to photography 101, day 11 assignment – Pop of Color.

Photographed by
Photographed by

The winter at Minnesota is harsh and long, usually lasting from late October to late March.  Tulip is such strong plant, it is always the very first to break the frozen soil and bloom through the cold weather soon after the last patch of snow melts away.

I especially love those red tulips, since they were as warm as flame and helped me come out from the winter blue every time I spotted them on the fields.

Right now at Minnesota we are surrounded by snow, but we believe that the buds of tulips are resting underneath the ground to get ready to send out the first sign of next spring.


15 thoughts on “Red Tulips – Blooming through Cold

  1. You live in Minnesota? I thought you lived in China. I ask because I live in Minnesota, too (in the Twin Cities). Hello neighbor!

    Beautiful photo, by the way.


    1. I lived in China over 20 years ago, but now I am living in West Bloomington (at Twin Cities). I would not have been blogging here if I were still living at China right now, since WorldPress is blocked in China. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Welcome to Minnesota (twenty years late!) I was in China briefly this summer, so I know what you mean by being blocked. I couldn’t access Facebook or WordPress, at least not legally. ;-(


  2. It’s a beautiful sight! The one and only place I have seen tulips in full bloom is in the Netherlands and i remember how pretty they are seen from afar! And this sounds a little daft but I didn’t know tulips bloom in Minesotta too.


    1. They bloom for a very short time at early spring. We used to plant some on our yard, but were all eaten by deers. So we changed to plant other flowers which deers don’t like so much.


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